Through the Looking Glass

Friday, June 17, 2005

Photos of the Hamilton/Toronto/Niagara Falls Trip" alt= "The guys" />" alt="The girls" />" alt="Pimpin' P" />" alt="Fat Frankie" />" alt="Niagara Falls - US Side" />" alt="Darth-Frankie??" />" alt="The three chiros in blue" />" alt="The World's Tallest Man's chair...with Little Miss Shortie" />" alt="Barn Fresh?? Who's thinking manure???" />

Very Uncertain Future

Hey all! I'm back from Hamilton after taking that nasty exam again. Hopefully things will go my way this time. I have a good feeling this time. Especially since I got quite a bit of help studying this round!

I must say, though, seeing all you folk in Toronto again made it worth the effort to go out and take that exam again. Of course, having a good laugh will always be worth it! Have to admit though, Niagara Falls was pretty awe inspiring too!

Ended up going to spend that Monday there at the falls and I must say it was spectacular! Too bad it was rainy...but otherwise, if any of you haven't been up that way yet I would highly recommend it! Especially the Maid of the Mist tour...that must've been the best $13 I've spend in quite some time!

Anyway, I have an interview with 2 brothers tomorrow. They're planning on expanding their clinic system in Vancouver. So wish me luck! I'll let you all know how it goes!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Hmm..2 posts in a day..that's new!

Well, I just got back from getting my shoulder treated and the doc in charge just opened up another possibility for me in Vancouver. His brother and sister-in-law are chiropractors in Surrey and are planning on opening another office in downtown Vancouver. He just blurted out that maybe I could work at that new office...something to think about. Still all depends on this licensing exam...

Singapore Vs. Vancouver

I've had some really rough couple of days here. Not only has it been raining like mad and all the rivers around Calgary are close to flooding...but so is my brain. From all the studying and thinking I've been doing. The licensing exam is coming up on Sunday and I've been really thinking to I really want to move to SG?

I don't know anybody there except for my ex and his cousin and I'm not sure it's healthy for me to be relying on one or the other for company or to meet new people. No matter how hard I'll try not to do that, it's bound to happen. And even if it dosen't, am I going to go thru what I did in TO and just be so lonely I'll go stir crazy? Probably.

So...I've been thinking to myself....if I go, yes, the money will be awesome, and yeah it'd be great to travel. But on the other hand, my social life would really really suck. And besides that, I'd be working on my own in my own little clinic anyhow. So what makes it any different from starting up a clinic in Vancouver? In SG, I'd be playing with somebody elses money. In Vancouver, it would be my own.

And if things didn't quite work out in SG, I'd probably be back in Vancouver in a couple of years thinking about starting a clinic anyway. Back at square one. So really? Is it a good choice? I miss being in Vancouver so much! Everytime I go I feel like I'm coming home and I start rethinking my decision. Really...the only thing pulling me to SG is the experience, the fear that I don't have enough clinical experience. But in SG...if I'm working in my own little clinic, what difference is there? I'd have to call out to consult anyway.

At the same time I feel bad that I've been pushing to get my contract thru. It should be completed soon and I'd feel awful waiting and waiting to sign it. And I'd have to wait, because once again, it's dependent on whether or not I pass this exam again. And I don't find out until the beginning of July. ARG!!! Soooo confused!!!