Through the Looking Glass

Friday, March 18, 2005

My last week in the centre of the universe

Hey all...

It's my last week in TO. I'll be taking off for Vancouver and doing the round-the-world thing again. Once again in search of a job, and a great place to live. I've been told having a blog would be a great thing for all those buddies of mine who keep on wondering, "what is that girl up to now?! Seems like her plans change every few months!" it first posting.

Let's itinerary so far includes:
1) a trip to Vancouver for a week (starting Good Friday), why?? Cause I might as well try and open a few doors just in case I can't find anything in Singapore and I do end up passing this licensing exam...finally.

2) Head back to Calgary for the 2nd week of April and bum around for awhile. Either that or find a temporary job (heck, i'd make more as a receptionist in one day than i'd make here as a chiropractor in 4! lol)

3) Head to Singapore at the end of April for interviews (i've got 3 lined up so far and more docs expressing interest, pray for me please!)...this trip'll last about a week or two.

4) Come back to Calgary to help the folks move into their brand new house! (for those of you who don't know, we're currently building it on the old lot by Lions Park) and also for Grace Wong's big day!

and last but not least...

5) Fly back to Singapore in June...if those interviews in April are successful!

So yup...that's Frankie's plans for the next little bit. Dosen't look like I'm going to be done globe trotting for quite some time!

Any thoughts? Advice? their all welcome! :)